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Migration Cluster

The Migration Cluster is a grassroots doctoral initiative institutionally supported by the UW Centre of Excellence in Social Sciences (CESS) and three UW doctoral schools (the Doctoral School of Social Sciences, the Doctoral School of Humanities, and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School). The purpose of the Migration Cluster is to support the academic development of PhD students working in the field of migration through peer-to-peer exchange and collaboration.

The Migration Cluster is a space for PhD students to:

  • share their expertise, provide and benefit from peer-to-peer support and consultations,
  • present their research interests and plans, methodological approaches and tools, fragments of PhD chapters, draft articles and project proposals,
  • share their research passions and enthusiasms, as well as doubts and dilemmas,
  • deepen their knowledge on specific issues (e.g. through meetings with experts from the UW, presentations of research results carried out by external research institutions, and discussions),
  • jointly plan and organise events (open or closed) of scientific or popular-scientific character (e.g. presentations of preliminary results of their research).

Currently, the Migration Cluster organises monthly seminars and a summer school on migration theories and methods, which will take place in September 2023.